jo.angell: Robin
jo.angell: Mink
jo.angell: Weasel
jo.angell: Still on the kingfisher theme...
jo.angell: Perched
jo.angell: Perched up close
jo.angell: Kingfishers in flight
jo.angell: Kingfisher in flight
jo.angell: Last leaf of autumn..
jo.angell: Pellet Eject!
jo.angell: A stunning kingfisher to brighten up a dull day
jo.angell: Kingfisher
jo.angell: So finally I managed to capture a kingfisher hover
jo.angell: Female Stonechat
jo.angell: Head on - Hobby
jo.angell: Hunting in the rain
jo.angell: Hobby hunting during a downpour
jo.angell: Hobby
jo.angell: Cuckoo
jo.angell: Cuckoo
jo.angell: Kestrel
jo.angell: Heron
jo.angell: Heron
jo.angell: Gull posing in flight
jo.angell: Gull
jo.angell: Drunk on pollen
jo.angell: 'Spring has sprung'
jo.angell: Otters
jo.angell: Otters
jo.angell: Tufties in some gorgeous golden light