johngregory250666: Bottom of Jacobs ladder....
johngregory250666: Frogatt Edge..
johngregory250666: Fairbrook Naze
johngregory250666: Upper Padley..
johngregory250666: Mandarin Ducks!
johngregory250666: High as a Kite....
johngregory250666: Sunset at Fox House
johngregory250666: Kinder reservoir..
johngregory250666: Derwent Edge....
johngregory250666: Taking in the view....
johngregory250666: Crookstone moor
johngregory250666: Footpath.....
johngregory250666: The Woolpacks
johngregory250666: Tansley Dale...
johngregory250666: Hollins Cross...
johngregory250666: Lose Hill.....
johngregory250666: Ladder Stile
johngregory250666: Winnarts Pass....
johngregory250666: Cave Dale..
johngregory250666: Peveril Castle..
johngregory250666: Hooked....
johngregory250666: Fine and Dandy!...
johngregory250666: Purple Orchids, in Deep Dale..
johngregory250666: Fairbrook..
johngregory250666: The Path Behind!
johngregory250666: Kinder Scout,.. Grey Skies
johngregory250666: Across the Moors...
johngregory250666: Barber Booth..