shira2014: Break out
shira2014: light us up
shira2014: Summer time
shira2014: Forever My brother i will always remember you
shira2014: Everything will by fine!
shira2014: The flower beauty of Jerusalem
shira2014: Spring
shira2014: The sea in all its glory
shira2014: IMG_4702_DxOצ
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shira2014: IMG_4522_DxO
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shira2014: IMG_4444_DxO
shira2014: Sunrise!!
shira2014: Sunrise!!
shira2014: Sunrise!!
shira2014: Summer is here!!- הקיץ הגיע!!
shira2014: Israel my home!- ישראל זה הבית שלי
shira2014: Sunset at the Dead Sea!- שקיעה בים המלח!
shira2014: Sunset in the city-שקיעה בעיר הגדולה
shira2014: Sunset in the big city-אחד מול כולם
shira2014: "And You shall be as the stars of the sky" -" וארבה זרעך ככוכבי השמיים"
shira2014: האביב הגיע!!
shira2014: אל תסתכל עלי-Do not look at me
shira2014: "Cheese"-"חיוך"
shira2014: mother-אמא
shira2014: All over!!
shira2014: out in the wind
shira2014: 1.2.3 Here i come...
shira2014: Stop looking at me- תפסיק לצפות בי