Clive JG.: Rose Cottage
Clive JG.: Distance carved into a stone wall and picked out in black paint.
Clive JG.: Remains of a Carved Bench Mark.
Clive JG.: Carved Bench Mark
Clive JG.: OS Fundamental Benchmark
Clive JG.: OS Fundamental Benchmark
Clive JG.: Carved Benchmark
Clive JG.: Cut Benchmark
Clive JG.: Cut Benchmark
Clive JG.: Blue Bridge Dorchester
Clive JG.: Portland Stone Steps.
Clive JG.: Hope Street South
Clive JG.: Dorset Roundal
Clive JG.: Dorset Roundal
Clive JG.: Old Phone box
Clive JG.: Old Phone box
Clive JG.: Black and White
Clive JG.: Black and White
Clive JG.: Black and White
Clive JG.: Black and White
Clive JG.: Black and White
Clive JG.: Stone seat and horses.
Clive JG.: Stone seat
Clive JG.: Now a disused phone box, Thorn Audax MK1.
Clive JG.: Now a disused phone box
Clive JG.: Now a disused phone box.
Clive JG.: Carradice Saddlebag mod.
Clive JG.: Carradice Saddlebag mod.
Clive JG.: iPhone 8+ Screenshot of camera screen.
Clive JG.: Book on British Telephone Boxes