willowing: Oh Dr Seuss, thank you for helping me accept my weird, eccentric, non-sensical self you wonderful weirdo you!! <3 :)
willowing: Gizzy had a haircut! She's SO little! 😊 #tamsloves
Jenndalyn: Overheard someone say in a conversation today that "artsy people are weird." Like it's a bad thing. Yes, we are weird. You will see us looking closely at small things, like leaves falling off of a tree. We tend to dress differently, because "what's popula
elisabeth.s: portrait...older man
elisabeth.s: zen flower
elisabeth.s: zen painting - pathways
elisabeth.s: zen painting---landscape
willowing: Someone new in progress. #mixedmediaart #willowing #willowingarts #painting #illustration #tamfb #portraits #illustration
willowing: Poor Dylan went to the forest with Andy and Elliot today, climbed a tree, branch broke and he fell into a bog. :( he,s ok but was pretty unhappy about it all. Can't help find this photo somewhat funny. Ssssh don't tell him I said that. ;) #tamfb #homescho
willowing: I know we're a while away yet from Halloween but look at this cute quirky pumpkin and his cute little quirky black cat I made! :) #tamfb #halloweenart #pumpkin #mixedmediaart #mixedmedia #willowing #willowingarts
willowing: One of those hard days where I'm attaching to un-true stories about my unworthiness. Working through it all with this one snuggling me and cheering me up. X
elisabeth.s: Family Blessings
elisabeth.s: Carpe Diem
willowing: Finished her! :) title: "You Have Wings". Was for sale but sold in FB. :-) #mixedmedia #mixedmediaart #willowing #willowingarts #soldwillowingpaintings
willowing: #saturdayselfie while solo parenting the kids. :) happy Saturday everyone! X ❤️
elisabeth.s: Expresssive Face …man with beard
willowing: 45 minutes until registration opens for the Byron Katie event! :-) I had time for shopping and sketching these two. The elephant is a bit wonky but I love him. Can't wait to start adding paint! :-) #willowing #willowingarts #elephant #whimsy #whimsicalart
fan de yan: LIFE BOOK 2015 semaine 11 (zoom)
TabLynn1: Casanova Dragon
TabLynn1: Cloud Dragon
TabLynn1: Red and Gold Dragon Sitting
TabLynn1: Flower Dragon
brittany.burkard: beacon of light
blueheron61: Week 1 lesson
fan de yan: LIFE BOOK 2015 semaine 1 (détail)
willowing: #regram @brenebrown. This is where I want to get to next year: inner peace and quiet in the midst of the chaos. :-). That is the aim. Quite the challenge, of course ;) #willowing #willowingarts
Pennystamper: DSCF4609
Annette Graves: week 11 sm
Sigrun Linda: Week 11 - bonus lesson from Tamara Laporte