amubleu: Unblocked Icelandic knit for Mr Z
Emelie C.: Gabriel10
greenwolfy: IMG_0613
noriko.stardust: Miniature Artist Paint Box
amubleu: I've been ever so slightly sock obsessed lately. MSD sized socks made from alpaca.
amubleu: I've been ever so slightly sock obsessed lately. MSD sized socks made from alpaca.
amubleu: I've been ever so slightly sock obsessed lately. MSD sized socks made from alpaca.
amubleu: Top Hat Panda says "Winter, i have no time for this wind or chill. I have plans to make and meetings to keep!"
fragiledolls: Vivi on ebay
amubleu: The Mr gifted me with a new pair of besties.
Army-of-Me: Shunsuke
Louella.: Salem ^^
Louella.: dress ^^
一件米糕 / Amigo: 寄養的小千島
一件米糕 / Amigo: Someone in Rose Garden
gattina*: It's Titus... yay!
Himikokudo: Akira Fujiwara
Emelie C.: Spring
amubleu: After a rough start I'm finally on a roll with my project for the month, a fair isle sweater for Seiji. (My volks MSD Schulze)
afa187: IMG_8737
nabarro88: Marimo
Sasaki3092: カメラロール-10821
amubleu: Happy Birthday Yuuta!
amubleu: Tiny sleeve or turtleneck for my middle finger.
amubleu: Top-hat Panda in on the run. He has places to go and people to see. Go Panda go!
amubleu: Seiji trying on the sweater in it's lumpy bumpy stage. Very happy with the over all fit.... But the collar could use some work. I ripped it back one time already but i think I may need to do it again. I'm going to try blocking first.