kimberyoga: Loving my body at Crush on Piedmont! Kalein' It smoothie with passion fruit. Yumm. #loveyourbody #365bodylove
kimberyoga: Farmers market bounty makes my body very happy. #loveyourbody #365bodylove #farmersmarket #happyfall
kimberyoga: One of my students ordered tiny Full matchboxes for me! So touched. (I added the dime so you can see how little!) Thank you Claire Perry! Adorableness. Love! #fullbykimber
kimberyoga: Honoring nature, thanks to today's climate change protestors in NYC! #climatechange #floodwallstreet
kimberyoga: Stand-up paddle board yoga... in the house! Two BOSU balls + one piece of plywood + one yoga mat = YAY!
kimberyoga: Be a good mirror for your own dream and for each other's. Yoga 9:30 am Namaste Berkeley. 9 am kirtan
kimberyoga: Arrrgh, matey!
kimberyoga: Halloween aisle at you know where. #bestholidayever
kimberyoga: The earth loves you and your body. Think of your body as a gift from the earth and love it with your whole self. #loveyourbody #365bodylove
kimberyoga: Do you know where I am? #urbanhikes
kimberyoga: A backyard crown of nasturtiums and sun. #loveyourbody #365bodylove
kimberyoga: And don't forget Savasana!
kimberyoga: Full wheel on Tomales Bay! Wheee! #loveyouryoga #loveyoursup
kimberyoga: Shoulderstand! Even though I've seen pictures of this, I didn't know it was possible! #firsttimes
kimberyoga: Reverse warrior on the water. #firsttimes
kimberyoga: SUP yoga on Tomales Bay this am! Fun to do something new with my body! #loveyourbody #loveyouryoga #365bodylove
kimberyoga: Get your creative juices flowing today in yoga. 10 am Namaste Rockridge, 12 pm Namaste Berkeley. #loveyouryoga
kimberyoga: This body is enough, just the way it is. #loveyourbody #365bodylove
kimberyoga: I know throwback Monday isn't a thing... But this will take us way back.
kimberyoga: Can you love your body the way it is, instead of wishing it looked like someone else's? #loveyourbody #365bodylove
kimberyoga: Dressing up body for a night on the town. #loveyourbody #365bodylove
kimberyoga: Chicken ratatouille. It's what's for dinner. #areyoucomin?
kimberyoga: Sparkles and skin. Today's new discovery: roll on sparkles! #loveyourbody #365bodylove
kimberyoga: Don't be a hater. Loving yourself is a revolutionary act. #loveyourbody #365bodylove
kimberyoga: Sunset hike at Sibley. #loveyourbody #365bodylove
kimberyoga: Let's put aside the illusion of separateness, and remember who we truly are. Yoga 9:30 Namaste Berkeley, kirtan 9 am.
kimberyoga: Checking out the wonders of Longitude in downtown Oakland! Holy piña colada, Batman!
kimberyoga: Today's reminder inspired by Brene Brown. You're worthy no matter what. #loveyourbody #365bodylove
kimberyoga: Loving my body with supported backbends @piedmontyoga. #loveyourbody #365bodylove
kimberyoga: Happy 15th Birthday to my Cooper! We love you!