tryingToFocus: Found, Round and Brown
tryingToFocus: Circles in glass
tryingToFocus: Dividing lines
tryingToFocus: window on hardwood
tryingToFocus: Nith River Fog
tryingToFocus: Nith River Sunshine
tryingToFocus: tree cutter
tryingToFocus: broken gate
tryingToFocus: arrogant hydrangea (to be humbled)
tryingToFocus: open arms
tryingToFocus: pausing at the end of the day
tryingToFocus: conversation place
tryingToFocus: lone pine
tryingToFocus: peaks & valleys
tryingToFocus: containers, trees and the funeral home
tryingToFocus: moving sidewalk
tryingToFocus: patterns
tryingToFocus: handles
tryingToFocus: exposed
tryingToFocus: left over debris
tryingToFocus: Lines, Shadow & Reflections
tryingToFocus: An Intersection
tryingToFocus: shadows on a wall
tryingToFocus: darkening a doorstep
tryingToFocus: an alignment with our biggest star
tryingToFocus: study of contrasted light
tryingToFocus: light strands