pointbdesigntraining: pointB trainer, Jobson, with his DIY toolboard on caster wheels #pointbmyanmar #prototype #makespace #hecandoanything
pointbdesigntraining: #regram @citizen192 hanging out with our other half @frog_design
pointbdesigntraining: Getting ready for rainy season, Jobson makes stepping stones out of leftover concrete with leaf embossing #pointbmyanmar #prototype #designtrainingcenter #mawlamyineuniversity
pointbdesigntraining: Start where you are: pointB trainer, Jobson, installed a new kitchen sink and laid down fresh concrete at the DT Center this week (yeah, he can do anything!)... We helped him by adding recycled pieces of tile to our new floors #pointbmyanmar #designtraini
pointbdesigntraining: We call him Obama Monk - the kindest monk we have come across who cares deeply about educating all children in his community. Looking forward to co-creating new possibilities in Mudon township #pointbmyanmar #mudon #needsfinding
pointbdesigntraining: Team pointB is in Mudon township this week planning our next community needs finding for the month of May with village leaders, teachers, students and parents #pointbmyanmar #needsfinding #process #mudon
pointbdesigntraining: Senior Managers from Mawlamyine University's English Dept co-create their first ever mindmap #pointbmyanmar #mindmap #designthinking
pointbdesigntraining: A Lesson in Visual Thinking: Mindmapping #pointbmyanmar #designthinking #mindmap
pointbdesigntraining: pointB trainer, Sein Sein Lin, hand paints on wood a new sign for the DT Center #pointbmyanmar #process #makespace #designtrainingcenter
pointbdesigntraining: A Lesson in Visual-Thinking #pointbmyanmar #designthinking #rebuildingmyanmar
pointbdesigntraining: Mawlamyine University and pointB opening ceremony #groupshot #pointbmyanmar #mawlamyineuniversity #designtrainingcenter
pointbdesigntraining: Co-founder, Greg, kicks off our first training course with 33 faculty from Mawlamyine University's English Dept... We've put together a curriculum which brings together Design-thinking, English language and 16 Habits of Mind for Educators #pointbmyanmar #
pointbdesigntraining: Opening speeches from pointB co-founders #mawlamyineuniversity #pointbmyanmar
pointbdesigntraining: More pics from our opening: Mawlamyine University Rector (center), Heads of Faculty and English Dept. #mawlamyineuniversity #pointbmyanmar
pointbdesigntraining: Sein Sein Lin and I went foraging around lumber yards today in search of the perfect tree for a hand painted sign for the center #pointbmyanmar #makespace #recycle
pointbdesigntraining: Design-Thinking Center for Community Engagement Opens Today #pointbmyanmar #mawlamyineuniversity #wedidit #designthinking
pointbdesigntraining: Sein Sein Lin hand letters signage for tomorrow's opening ceremony #pointbmyanmar #makingthingsreal #mawlamyineuniversity
pointbdesigntraining: Prepping for pointB's Opening Ceremony of the new Design-Thinking Center for Community Engagement #mawlamyineuniversity #pointbmyanmar
pointbdesigntraining: Meetup space finished at #pointbmyanmar #makespace #designthinking
pointbdesigntraining: #businessmodelcanvas #pointbmyanmar #process #designthinking
pointbdesigntraining: Caster everything #pointbmyanmar #process #designtrainingcenter #makespace
pointbdesigntraining: Sein Sein Lin paints joy into old school chairs for the new center #renovation #pointbmyanmar #process #makespace
pointbdesigntraining: pointB's new heartquarters, where passionate hearts come together to tackle social issues in Myanmar #pointbmyanmar #after #renovation #makespace
pointbdesigntraining: There is nothing that pointB trainer, Jobson, can't do... Including restoring really old school chairs for our new training center #pointbmyanmar #trainers #designthinking #makespace
pointbdesigntraining: Welcome to our new Design-Thinking Center for Community Engagement at #mawlamyineuniversity #pointbmyanmar #renovation #after #makespace #designthinking
pointbdesigntraining: pointB co-founder, Sandy, takes a maiden voyage round our new office #pointbmyanmar #renovation #process #makespace