ritchie valens!: SuperMario64
ritchie valens!: Super_Mario_64_box_cover
ritchie valens!: Zombie on field in front of house
ritchie valens!: The House
ritchie valens!: Barbra Running on path
ritchie valens!: Zombie chasing after
ritchie valens!: Car crashed into tree
ritchie valens!: Car flying down hill
ritchie valens!: Chasing the car
ritchie valens!: Grabing on to car
ritchie valens!: Smash Ahhh!
ritchie valens!: The End of Johnny
ritchie valens!: Famous picture Scene
ritchie valens!: Johnny's Death
ritchie valens!: Johnny to the rescue
ritchie valens!: Evalanch
ritchie valens!: Johnny winning
ritchie valens!: Fight still goes on
ritchie valens!: Head first
ritchie valens!: looking back
ritchie valens!: Off goes glasses
ritchie valens!: Johnny pushes zombie away from barbra
ritchie valens!: Johnny grabs zombie
ritchie valens!: Barbra fighting off zombie