ereid88: Vibrant Chocolate Beans
ereid88: Coffee and just a little cream
ereid88: Getting a handle on things.
ereid88: Finding The Right Key To Open The Door.
ereid88: Time to reflect
ereid88: Just Raspberries.
ereid88: Large Inheritance
ereid88: Who loves you jelly baby
ereid88: Two halfs of my kiwi fruit.
ereid88: When you are in a bind......just do the twist.
ereid88: Padded shoulder bag
ereid88: Let The Breeze Blow
ereid88: Basketball Shaped Erasers.
ereid88: Buds Of Blue
ereid88: Combo Padlock
ereid88: Smaller Than A Coin - Macro Monday
ereid88: Liquorice
ereid88: Tree Bark
ereid88: Bright Glow.
ereid88: Mushroom
ereid88: Electical cable
ereid88: Chess Pieces
ereid88: Macro Mondays : Redux 2016--My Favorite Theme of the Year
ereid88: Cornered
ereid88: The Cone
ereid88: Spring Loaded
ereid88: Touch Me - Dandelion Plant
ereid88: Macro Mondays - sidelit
ereid88: Macro Mondays - Spiral
ereid88: A Little Light Bokeh