J.C. Carter:
6. "Pru"
J.C. Carter:
13. Geoffrey Carter 1911-1965
J.C. Carter:
20. George West Carter 1879-1956
J.C. Carter:
21. Physics homework
J.C. Carter:
23. B.O.A.C. "Argonaut" - 1953
J.C. Carter:
24. Public viewing area London (Heathrow) Airport - 1955
J.C. Carter:
25. BOAC "Comet" at London (Heathrow) Airport - 1953
J.C. Carter:
26. "Grandpa George" meets photoflash - Dec. 1955
J.C. Carter:
30. "Not to be held in the Hand"
J.C. Carter:
31. "Spinning a Yarn"
J.C. Carter:
32. "Terrible Twins"
J.C. Carter:
34. "I do like a head on my pint"
J.C. Carter:
46. Old control tower London (Heathrow) Airport - July 1953
J.C. Carter:
47. Coronation Annexe and the "Queen's Beasts", Westminster Abbey - 1953
J.C. Carter:
48. Whitby Harbour 1952 or 53
J.C. Carter:
61. Old refreshment hut, Easedale Tarn - 1960
J.C. Carter:
62. "Are you SURE you heard a squeak?"
J.C. Carter:
63. Before . . .
J.C. Carter:
72. Another self portrait (how vain can you get!)
J.C. Carter:
185. Study in concentration!
J.C. Carter:
205. Two ways of crossing a wall (Snowdonia, 1958)
J.C. Carter:
214. We all had to start somewhere!
J.C. Carter:
340. Works locomotive - Mirvale Chemical Company
J.C. Carter:
378. Mal de Mer
J.C. Carter:
379. Winter by the lake.
J.C. Carter:
393. Gateshead Millennium Bridge
J.C. Carter:
407. Humber Bridge construction site.
J.C. Carter:
424. Teenage boy's bedroom - 1950's style!
J.C. Carter:
428. Another self portrait - to compare with picture No. 72 (below).