J.C. Carter:
432. Keswick to Threlkeld Trail
J.C. Carter:
431. Keswick to Threlkeld Trail
J.C. Carter:
430. New Brundholme Bridge.
J.C. Carter:
429. Sunset - on a year best forgotten!
J.C. Carter:
428. Another self portrait - to compare with picture No. 72 (below).
J.C. Carter:
427 Season's Greetings
J.C. Carter:
426. Getting busier!
J.C. Carter:
425. The calm before the 'storm'.
J.C. Carter:
424. Teenage boy's bedroom - 1950's style!
J.C. Carter:
423. "Nothing left for me?"
J.C. Carter:
422a. Health and Safety!
J.C. Carter:
422. Scallop dredger, Maryport
J.C. Carter:
421. Kittiwakes on the Baltic Flour Mill, Gateshead.
J.C. Carter:
420. Winter wonderland!
J.C. Carter:
419. Humber Bridge south cable anchorage.
J.C. Carter:
418. Humber Bridge south tower.
J.C. Carter:
417. Catbells
J.C. Carter:
416. Wordsworth House, Cockermouth
J.C. Carter:
415. Keswick Market
J.C. Carter:
414. Spurn Head 'Safari' Vehicle
J.C. Carter:
413. Spurn Head
J.C. Carter:
412. Walking to Spurn Point.
J.C. Carter:
411. Spurn Head.
J.C. Carter:
410. Humber Bridge - walkway.
J.C. Carter:
409. Humber Bridge, north tower.
J.C. Carter:
408. Humber Bridge under construction.
J.C. Carter:
407. Humber Bridge construction site.
J.C. Carter:
406. The Humber Bridge.
J.C. Carter:
405. Brodsworth Hall and Gardens.
J.C. Carter:
404. Brodsworth Hall