Mobile Lynn: Jay 850_8199.jpg
jt893x: Belted Kingfisher
nitinchandra: I saved this look for a rainy day!!!
TylerIngram: Coopers Hawk (Accipiter cooperii)
cliveyjones: Red-tailed Shrike
Jeluba: Green Honeycreeper (subtropicalis) - Chlorophanes spiza subtropicalis
Jeluba: Green Honeycreeper (subtropicalis) - Chlorophanes spiza subtropicalis
Jeluba: Blue-winged Mountain-Tanager (cyanopterus) - Anisognathus somptuosus cyanopterus
jjarango: Coeligena wilsoni - Brown Inca - Inca Pardo 08
JEO126: Ruby-throated hummingbird
HM Wildlife: Small Heath - Coenonympha pamphilus
cliveyjones: Wall lizard
Mark Buchan Jones: Greenfinch - Ready for Take Off
sbuckinghamnj: Golden Tanager
sbuckinghamnj: Golden-naped Tanager
sbuckinghamnj: Flame-faced Tanager
Jordi Sureda: The Forest of Mist
sbuckinghamnj: Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan
jvverde: Squirrel Cuckoo // Cuco Ardilla
Ryser915: Cactus Wren
frank0schmidt: Was hier alles so rumliegt :-)
jvverde: Masked Trogon // Trogón Enmascarado // Trogom-mascarado
Michel Roesink: Eekhoorn / Red squirrel / Sciurus vulgaris
Stefan Verheyen: Dasypoda hirtipes (m)
Ger Bosma: Melancholy Langur