stitchhigh: Teepee!
stitchhigh: Leather Baby Shoes
stitchhigh: My winter coat
stitchhigh: Jeans
stitchhigh: An abominable snowbeast puppet
stitchhigh: Dress Five
stitchhigh: Flamingos
stitchhigh: First draft pattern
stitchhigh: Crazy Cat Lady
stitchhigh: Pattern Drafting
stitchhigh: First draft pattern - yay!
stitchhigh: Dress Four - back
stitchhigh: The Real Dress One - pleats
stitchhigh: Dress Four - pleats
stitchhigh: Dress Four - neckline
stitchhigh: The Real Dress One
stitchhigh: Dress Four
stitchhigh: The Real Dress One - Neckline
stitchhigh: The Real Dress One - back
stitchhigh: Sweetpod - inside
stitchhigh: Anita Jeans
stitchhigh: Sweetpod
stitchhigh: Anita Jeans - back
stitchhigh: Talea Coat - back
stitchhigh: Robot Shoes
stitchhigh: Talea Coat
stitchhigh: Grace Beret - back
stitchhigh: Grace Beret
stitchhigh: Monster