1krispy1: Common Pauraque
Bernie Duhamel: sunbathing western rattlesnake
oliverred: Wing surfing
Bernie Duhamel: Black Throated Mango Hummingbird - Flight
1krispy1: Northern Pintail
1krispy1: Red-tailed Hawk
My Kona Girl: Running takeoff
oliverred: Joy to the world
Bernie Duhamel: TenMile Range - Rocky Mountains
Bernie Duhamel: Ring-necked Pheasant Rooster Flight
Bernie Duhamel: Hawk - Eating Venison
1krispy1: Vermilion Flycatcher
fethers1: Massive Mule Deer Buck
1krispy1: Gray Fox
My Kona Girl: Near full moon in Colorado, USA
My Kona Girl: Looking at ya
1krispy1: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
1krispy1: Greater Roadrunner
fethers1: Mule Deer Buck Bachelor Group
My Kona Girl: Taking the leap!
1krispy1: Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
1krispy1: Least Bittern
My Kona Girl: "In Stride"
fethers1: Bullock's Oriole
1krispy1: Northern Cardinal
1krispy1: Summer Tanager (m)
1krispy1: Vermilion Flycatcher
1krispy1: White-faced Ibis
1krispy1: Sandwich Terns
1krispy1: White-faced Ibis