Reglisse2014: 20.04.14Egg pacing with the neighbours, who are dear friends. Lots of fun!
Reglisse2014: 19.04.14Home, to discover my MIL quite poorly. Still, good to be back.
Reglisse2014: 18.04.14Playing with A. We popped for lunch at A's house-A's mum is one of my H's oldest friends. So lovely to see our children together.
Reglisse2014: 17.04.14E and I. I's parents are 2 of my dearest friends, and being out of London makes me miss them terribly. I and E get on brilliantly despite a 14m age gap!
Reglisse2014: 16.04.14Lincolns inn fields: retracing footsteps with our babies...
Reglisse2014: 15.04.14Splashing at Somerset House. A stunning day mooching around London - reminiscing and seeing it through Étienne's eyes!
Reglisse2014: 14.04.14Stunning rhododendrons in Kew. Such a glorious day there!
Reglisse2014: 13.04.14A windswept family selfie in Brighton
Reglisse2014: 11.04.14
Reglisse2014: 10.04.14
Reglisse2014: 10.04.14
Reglisse2014: 09.04.14
Reglisse2014: 08.04.14
Reglisse2014: 08.04.14
Reglisse2014: 06.04.14
Reglisse2014: 05.04.14
Reglisse2014: 04.04.14
Reglisse2014: 03.04.14
Reglisse2014: 02.04.14
Reglisse2014: 31.03.14
Reglisse2014: 30.03.14
Reglisse2014: 29.03.14
Reglisse2014: 25.03.14
Reglisse2014: 26.03.14
Reglisse2014: 01.04.14
Reglisse2014: 24.03.14
Reglisse2014: 23.03.14
Reglisse2014: 22.03.14
Reglisse2014: 21.03.14
Reglisse2014: 19.03.14