ethohwell: Wiggles and the Clifford running the ranch.
ethohwell: Wiggles and Clifford.
ethohwell: Wiggles and Clifford, Wiggles does not like his picture taken.
ethohwell: Wiggles likes his chair.
ethohwell: Wiggles in glasses.
ethohwell: 20150706_111144
ethohwell: 20150706_102907
ethohwell: 20150705_210907
ethohwell: 20150705_143250
ethohwell: The Met.
ethohwell: 20150704_223556
ethohwell: 20150704_222259
ethohwell: 20150704_222203
ethohwell: 20150704_222112
ethohwell: 20150704_222004
ethohwell: 20150704_221535
ethohwell: 20150704_210104
ethohwell: 20150704_195659
ethohwell: Getting ready for Macy's fireworks.
ethohwell: Statue of Liberty, 4th of July
ethohwell: 20150704_170129
ethohwell: 20150704_170126
ethohwell: 20150704_165825
ethohwell: 20150704_165604
ethohwell: 20150704_165546
ethohwell: 20150704_164319
ethohwell: 30 Rock.
ethohwell: 20150704_110412
ethohwell: 20150704_105734
ethohwell: Central Park, Plaza Hotel.