Artisan Cakes by e.t.: wedding cake on a wedding cake?
Uschi B: Bridal Shower Cake
CAKES BY LAUREN: Bridal Shower Cake
tc27jkw: Lavender Bridal Shower Cake
tinkabellz17: Wedding Dress Bridal Shower Cake
tanyacakes: Bridal Shower Dress Cake with Miniature Edible Autumn or Fall Leaves and Pearls
tanyacakes: Bridal Shower Dress or Bridal Dress Cake with Minature Gumpaste Leaves and Present Cake
Frosted with Emotion: Bridal Shower Cake
Linzi's Cakes: Rose Bridal Shower Cake
RebeccaSutterby: Anne's graduation cake
zhenneman: A rose by any other name...
Silvia de Luque: Hay días
Arthur Anker: Halgerda wasinensis
zhenneman: Git up there mule, here comes a lock...