SASPhotography67: Cloaked Hunter..
Dave Blaze Rail Photography: Across The Icy Chulitna
alcostalker: 88-27-20 copyXxx
Alcophile: Frozen Chicken
Tony LePrieur: Trumpeter Swan
SASPhotography67: Mouse Munch! 😳
Moffat Road: Strange bedfellows
GLC 392: Willow Creek
JW Stanfield: 786 @ Ross
blankenmur219: USSC 148 at Palmdale, FL
First.Light.55: NRE AEE 2 on Soo Line - 2/12/1992
SASPhotography67: Battle of the Bulls..
GLC 392: 394 Reborn Snowy Owl in evening light
wccnds John Leopard: CSX 846 West empty coal on BB, west of Fishersville, Virginia_
Earl Reinink: A good spread.
alcostalker: 79-53-35Aug7eastofLavian copyX
Andy Benfer: CNJ "Baby Face" @ Scanton, PA
SASPhotography67: Natures Camouflage…
MJBiehn: 45's with Rail
Mark LLanuza: Milwaukee Rd F-units Green Island Iowa 1979
wm3797: NYS&W CL-2 / Tully, NY
wm3797: NYS&W CL-2 / Apulia Station, NY
Ken Krach Photography: Grand Teton National Park
alcostalker: 88-108-14 copyX
james_trivett: IMG_7204a
isaacfulford: Split Rock Lighthouse Storm Light