koen_jacobs: wanderer
betty B: DSC_6364
betty B: DSC_5313
betty B: DSC_6470
betty B: DSC_6292
betty B: DSC_6130
betty B: DSC_0981
betty B: DSC_2876
betty B: DSC_2497
spicysquid1: Allen's Hummingbird !
John Kubler: Buff-Cheeked Gibbon - EMA95485 1
chappietam: Thread legged bug
chappietam: Shh, Charlie I hear something!
chappietam: Little Cyclopes
chappietam: Turning Green!
NakaRB: Cionus scrophulariae
chappietam: In the dark of the night
Shoumit: With more hours spent at home there is more time now to remember we are on a spaceship too that's hurtling through space as we go about our earthly businesses. Or not. Here is my view of the space from my lockdown window. What's yours?
NakaRB: 89899
AchimOWL: Libellen-Schmetterlingshaft (Libelloides coccajus)
HM Wildlife: Shieldbug - Carpocoris mediterraneus
HM Wildlife: European Paper Wasp - Polistes dominula
Alone again. Naturally.: Alder Spittlebug (Aphrophora alni), Froghoppers
chappietam: Snooty Moth!
Manuel A. M. - May be off...: Lagartija Colilarga (Psammodromus algirus)
AchimOWL: Langhornmotten (Adela reaumurella) im Schwarmflug
chappietam: Window mantis
chappietam: Fantail
chappietam: Ichneumonid Wasp