Gidgette Adagio: Daydream
Gidgette Adagio: Welcome back to Savor Serenity! I would not want to live in a world without dragons!!
Gidgette Adagio: Sunrise Sunset
Gidgette Adagio: And so it begins..
Gidgette Adagio: Savor Serenity
Gidgette Adagio: Sometimes love is like that.
Sunset Theas: I just set fire to my dreams. such a show
Awesome fallen: ....... dreaming
Skippy Beresford: Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.
Wim Boon Fotografie: Cold Morning in Kinderdijk
Iris Okiddo: When I fall in love . . .
∞ √allys√aLiƒε ∞: ~ εxprεssion ~ *316@√'Lair
Gorba McMahon: Gouge Away
Skippy Beresford: Humans consist of body, mind, and imagination. Our bodies are faulty, our minds untrustworthy, but our imagination has made us remarkable.
Wim Boon Fotografie: Storm in Holland
Loverdag - unedited -: Land of Thor
ARnnO PLAneR: D'où tu me connais ? (Where do you know me from ?)
Sorchiee: Falling Slowly
Loverdag - unedited -: Nevgilde Forest
Belle-des-Champs: ♫ Hold my....
Lana Quicksand: "I fell in love with you watching Casablanca "
Wim Boon Fotografie: Fuut - Great Crested Grebe - Podiceps Cristatus
Iris Okiddo: Always look on the bright side . . .
Nico Time: ~ Through The Woods ~