AtmosFear Video:
Daylight moon rise.
AtmosFear Video:
Luna rising-Waves of wind blown grass-Video
AtmosFear Video:
Luna moving across the sky-Video
AtmosFear Video:
Man in the Moon looking over the rimrock. Video real time.
AtmosFear Video:
SpaceX Starlink satellites pass overhead west to east. Video in Real Time. The brightest and longest of 3 strings. A bit long. I captured the whole string and adjusted the angle to get the most in a single 18mm lens view.
AtmosFear Video:
M31 Andromeda Galaxy, dead center. Shooting Star, lower left. 9 satellite trails, probably Starlinks.
AtmosFear Video:
Milky way Galaxy looking south.
AtmosFear Video:
The Milky Way and a barely lit up canyon.
AtmosFear Video:
The Moon peeking over the ridge.
AtmosFear Video:
Luna rising
AtmosFear Video:
Solar eclipse. Sun spots visible
AtmosFear Video:
Solar eclipse 2017
AtmosFear Video:
Max "totality" for my location
AtmosFear Video:
Solar eclipse 2017 pretty much max with no filter.
AtmosFear Video:
Solar Halo with Sun Dogs barely visible
AtmosFear Video:
Jupiter and it's moons. With some freeloaders
AtmosFear Video:
Time exposures gone bad, but in post it shows 2 satellites
AtmosFear Video:
Accidental time exposure. Shouldn't have been 100 iso.
AtmosFear Video:
The Sun setting in the smoke 8/15
AtmosFear Video:
Our Moon
AtmosFear Video:
International Space Station
AtmosFear Video:
Jupiter with Io,Europa,Ganymede, Callisto
AtmosFear Video:
Solar Halo
AtmosFear Video:
Sunset in the High Desert
AtmosFear Video:
Shaky Orion Nebula 1/14/15
AtmosFear Video:
Comet Lovejoy 1/14/15
AtmosFear Video:
Moon Daylight digiscoped
AtmosFear Video:
Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxy at left center
AtmosFear Video:
Milky Way core at bottom
AtmosFear Video: