AtmosFear Video: It was good, but these colors are enhanced. Turkey Vulture overhead.
AtmosFear Video: Lenticular Clouds
AtmosFear Video: Luna setting in the morning glow.
AtmosFear Video: Luna Rising
AtmosFear Video: Red Flash of Luna- Yep, it's a thing.
AtmosFear Video: Green Flash of Luna
AtmosFear Video: Atmospheric waves. Eastern Oregon desert barely visible, the dark strip being the "substation fire" path.
AtmosFear Video: Mount Hood by Moonlight
AtmosFear Video: Cricket trailer. Almost a full moonlight on the hills, but still in the shadows here. Nice camp neighbors.
AtmosFear Video: Moonlight Shadows in the canyons
AtmosFear Video: Full Moon
AtmosFear Video: Morning Moon Rise
AtmosFear Video: Sunset Halo almost a Sun Dog.
AtmosFear Video: Venus and Mars (?)
AtmosFear Video: Satellite traffic jam
AtmosFear Video: Star gazing at camp
AtmosFear Video: Daylight mooning
AtmosFear Video: Camp looking north
AtmosFear Video: The Big Dipper pointing at the North Star
AtmosFear Video: Night time sky.
AtmosFear Video: SpaceX Starlink Satellite String. 9/26/22. Camping in Oregon's high desert, enjoying the New Moon darkness and this string of Starlink satellites appeared overhead. A mad dash for the camera and this test video didn't seem to show anything.