rasa@1975: Happy New Year
rasa@1975: night life in the night light
rasa@1975: DSC_4703-4
rasa@1975: Darkness is near a serenity spot
rasa@1975: Going up. Still.
rasa@1975: turned heads protest
rasa@1975: the City of Two
rasa@1975: ...and dolls say
rasa@1975: a two under the construction of heaven
rasa@1975: in the middle of...
rasa@1975: beginning
rasa@1975: a quite quiet rainy night was swimming in the lights of night...
rasa@1975: our range edges the horizon
rasa@1975: busy
rasa@1975: the grave of those who live in heaven
rasa@1975: two and too much
rasa@1975: eye exercises
rasa@1975: summoning the night
rasa@1975: gone in the bygone
rasa@1975: ....be on the ship
rasa@1975: life as it should be
rasa@1975: ohrid
rasa@1975: It's all about the right moment
rasa@1975: it was written to be erased...
rasa@1975: ...don't stand alone
rasa@1975: for working mood
rasa@1975: in the eyes of the curve