hellomumu / Taiwan: 黑翅鳶 Elanus caeruleus
Ron Buening: Early Skims
rogerrao: Phloeobius sp
rogerrao: Long-eared owl 長耳鴞
rogerrao: 食蟲虻 Robber Fly
Ron Buening: Standing Out
Ron Buening: Swirl and Flick
hellomumu / Taiwan: 黃脛巨緣椿象 Mictis serina Dallas, 1852
hellomumu / Taiwan: 米字長盾椿象 Scutellera amethystina (Germar, 1839)
hellomumu / Taiwan: 米字長盾椿象 Scutellera amethystina (Germar, 1839)
hellomumu / Taiwan: 椿象蛻皮
Ron Buening: At the Ready
hellomumu / Taiwan: 台灣三色瓢蟲 Amida tricolor formosana Kurisaki, 1920 (特有)
Ron Buening: Run Away!
hellomumu / Taiwan: 黑櫛白毒蛾 Sphrageidus virguncula (Walker, 1855)
hellomumu / Taiwan: 某種蛾類幼蟲
hellomumu / Taiwan: 扁鍬形蟲 Dorcus titanus sika (kriesche, 1920)
hellomumu / Taiwan: 黑枕藍鶲 Hypothymis azurea
hellomumu / Taiwan: 叢傘膠孔菌 Favolaschia manipularis
チンさん: 灰喜鵲/Azure-winged Magpie
rogerrao: 東方鵟/普通鵟(Common Buzzard)
hellomumu / Taiwan: 彩鷸 Rostratula benghalensis
hellomumu / Taiwan: 威氏尖頭脊唇蠟蟬 Tonga westwoodi (Signoret ,1862)
hellomumu / Taiwan: 條紋廣翅蠟蟬 Ricania simulans (Walker, 1851)
TEDxTaichung: 2023自由交流
Ron Buening: The Stick
hellomumu / Taiwan: 大蝦殼椿 Megarrhamphus truncatus (Westwood, 1837)
hellomumu / Taiwan: 紫單帶蛺蝶 Parasarpa dudu jinamitra (Fruhstorfer, 1908) [特亞]
hellomumu / Taiwan: 紫單帶蛺蝶 Parasarpa dudu jinamitra (Fruhstorfer, 1908) [特亞]
hellomumu / Taiwan: 蜘蛛卵囊