sally.park62: DSC_1223
sally.park62: DSC_1222
sally.park62: DSC_1215
sally.park62: DSC_1214
sally.park62: DSC_1212
sally.park62: DSC_1211
sally.park62: DSC_1208
sally.park62: Walk on Chessil Beach
sally.park62: DSC_1094
sally.park62: Flooded Langport
sally.park62: DSC_0971
sally.park62: DSC_0935
sally.park62: With friend Dottie
sally.park62: DSC_0872
sally.park62: DSC_0794
sally.park62: DSC_0765
sally.park62: DSC_0792
sally.park62: DSC_0791
sally.park62: Signature Rock
sally.park62: Signatures in Sand
sally.park62: Are You Watching Me?
sally.park62: Happy to be Alive
sally.park62: Scients ask Nixon to Disclose Whether US used artificial rainmaking in Vietnam
sally.park62: End Weather Warfare Before its too Late
sally.park62: Mum in Hospice
sally.park62: Mum in Hospice :(
sally.park62: Mum in Hospice with her Dog Jasper and Sister
sally.park62: FullSizeRender
sally.park62: Healthy Mum