texasjan1: Sydney Marcus Blvd, Atlanta, GA
texasjan1: Little Five Points, Atlanta, GA
texasjan1: McLendon, Atlanta, GA
texasjan1: Morning, Decatur, GA
texasjan1: Partners in Crime
texasjan1: Snow Day, Decatur, GA
texasjan1: Trabi World, Berlin
texasjan1: Bird on a Wire, Grinnell, IA
texasjan1: Blue Berlin
texasjan1: The Wall
texasjan1: Brand's Haide
texasjan1: Colorful
texasjan1: Fast Car, Grinnell, IA
texasjan1: Young Leaf, Grinnell, IA
texasjan1: Prairie, Grinnell, IA
texasjan1: Birds, Grinnell, IA
texasjan1: Birds, Grinnell, IA
texasjan1: Trees and Sky, Des Moines, IA
texasjan1: Decatur CD
texasjan1: Night on Ponce
texasjan1: Strat
texasjan1: Prairie
texasjan1: Canon A-1
texasjan1: Prairie
texasjan1: Prairie
texasjan1: Prairie
texasjan1: Prairie
texasjan1: MARTA, Atlanta, GA
texasjan1: Snowfall, Philadelphia, PA
texasjan1: Street, Philadelphia, PA