4leather: robotic and hydraulic
4leather: quickie
Tie62: Wettertest / Checking the weather
4leather: Solstice biker
4leather: late ride
Rbbrstud94: IMG_E5839
Rbbrstud94: IMG_E5848
Rbbrstud94: IMG_E5854
Rbbrstud94: IMG_6396
Rbbrstud94: IMG_6397
Rbbrstud94: IMG_6398
Rbbrstud94: IMG_6399
Rbbrstud94: IMG_6401
Rbbrstud94: IMG_6402
Rbbrstud94: IMG_6429
Rbbrstud94: IMG_6432
Rbbrstud94: Zodiak in thick black mud
Rbbrstud94: Zodiak in thick black mud
Rbbrstud94: Viking in very thick mud
4leather: more snow