.niraw: Fliege
eusepia: 20150924-IMG_4084 Kopie
Guillaume_BRIAND: Feu d'artifice de Puteaux 2
bodro: Hairdo :-)
- Hob -: Electroluminescent fire
shontz photography: Rain on my parade
_Sebastian Loeffler_: Wendeltreppe des Leuchtturms Flügge auf Fehmarn
shontz photography: The light and the dark
Luna Lightpainting LPUK: Fairytales (8)
eusepia: 20150705-IMG_8527
Alexandr Tikki: Pripyat'
ferpectshotz: We live in a bewildering world…
Rey Agostinelli: Sunshine Moudou & Cecilia
Wildlife_2010: Essaouira, Morocco
- Hob -: F18 Wedder Leap Cattle grid
showmesavings: Nature's Food Chain
ft_online: Teesieb / tea strainer
eusepia: plauenpinup
Sandra Slead: "Cool Car"
bodro: Freedom Tower at night
bodro: Are you talking to me? :-) (Barn swallow)
LED Eddie: Monochrom(Ed)
bodro: Whitie
ferpectshotz: There are always flowers for those who want to see them...
bodro: In the golden light of the setting sun
bodro: Osprey's flying into the setting sun