Juan Diego Mejía - juan13diego@gmail.com:
Tengo uno de Gorey...
Juan Diego Mejía - juan13diego@gmail.com:
Alquilé una casa al Este del Ïnfierno, tiene una vista maravillosa
niña curiosa
Getting Knifed:
Mole and her hands
disaster d:
cementery in Rabat
disaster d:
nice pots
disaster d:
me and Chris doing Acrobalance
Wednesday Adams:
El amor de los gatos, a voces y por los tejados.
Wednesday Adams:
Novia cadaver
bored teenagers
In Arcady Reverse Side of Works Page
the cherry blossom girl:
the cherry blossom girl:
Parc monsouris
the cherry blossom girl:
IMG_6010 bis
the cherry blossom girl:
IMG_9142 bis
the cherry blossom girl:
IMG_8138 bis
the cherry blossom girl:
Cuckoo clock
Libretas Mildred:
Libretas Mildred 14