Ireneusz Irass Walędzik: Leptinotarsa decemlineata.
tho.pieper: Hogna radiata, Tarantel aus/wolf spider from Portugal
marco.federmann: Reisernte - rice harves
Goshinsky: Spider
Lucas Dalla: Projeto Dupla Exposição
mjkzz (a.k.a zwdeal): Some sort of fly
wentloog: The End
wentloog: Lighthouse Waves
Micko1986: Spok
AleksandarM021: Sremski Karlovci
AleksandarM021: Sremski Karlovci bogoslovija
AleksandarM021: Sremski Karlovci
Ireneusz Irass Walędzik: Salticus scenicus.
hoggel01: Marienkäfer und Rüsselkäfer
Don Komarechka: Frost Magic
Peđa Martinović: Morning frost
Sorin Mutu: Toulouse
cskong9932: DSC_2517
Giovanni R. colori ottobre 2016
dorolpi: Syrphidae, Chrysotoxum triarcuatum (male)
nickybay: Wrap-round orb weaver (Talthybia sp.) - PA130267
nickybay: Huntsman spider (Gnathopalystes sp.) - DSC_1281
dorolpi: Oxyopes sp. Oxyopidae
Helgi G Sigurdsson: hgs_n8_045311
mesanac76: On the streets of Trieste...
johnhallmen: DIY – Macro fisheye
myriorama: assassin w/ leafhopper
cskong9932: DSC_4612