justthebasics_ak: Week 9 - Creative: Forsaken
justthebasics_ak: Week 8 - Technical: Zoom Burst
justthebasics_ak: Week 7 - Composition: Fill the Frame
justthebasics_ak: Week 6 - Vision: Alternating Rhythm
justthebasics_ak: Week 5 Wildcard: Photogeapher's Choice
justthebasics_ak: Week 4 - Creative: Quiet Moment
justthebasics_ak: Week 3 - Technical: Full Manual
justthebasics_ak: Week 2 - Composition: Color Harmony
justthebasics_ak: Week 1 - Vision: Look Ahead
justthebasics_ak: Week 52 - Story: Your Story
justthebasics_ak: Week 51 - Artistic: Fear
justthebasics_ak: Week 50 - Technical: Full Edit
justthebasics_ak: Week 49 - Story: Blue Hour
justthebasics_ak: Week 48 - Artistic: Bodyscape
justthebasics_ak: Week 47 - Technical: Shaped Bokeh
justthebasics_ak: Week 46 - Story: Landscape Foreground
justthebasics_ak: Week 45 - Artistic: Cold
justthebasics_ak: Week 44 - Technical: Magic ND Filter
justthebasics_ak: Week 43 - Story: Movement
justthebasics_ak: Week 42 - Artistic: Music
justthebasics_ak: Week 41 - Technical: Levitation
justthebasics_ak: Week 40 - Story: Colorful Black and White
justthebasics_ak: Week 39 - Art: Water
justthebasics_ak: Week 38 - Technical: 50mm
justthebasics_ak: Week 37 - Story: Balance
justthebasics_ak: Week 36 - Artistic: Low Key
justthebasics_ak: Week 35 - Technical: Stitched Panorama
justthebasics_ak: Week 34 - Story: Stranger
justthebasics_ak: Week 33 - Artistic: High Key
justthebasics_ak: Week 32 - Technical: HDR