Highland Fairy: clay ear-rings
Highland Fairy: pine needles, paper, leaf stem
Highland Fairy: seeds in paper
Highland Fairy: clay ear-rings
Highland Fairy: textural inspiration
Highland Fairy: new work ~ small clay tile
Highland Fairy: stitched leaves in old book
Highland Fairy: stitched leaves
Highland Fairy: stitched leaves
Highland Fairy: thorn bowl 1997
Highland Fairy: singing bowl 1997
Highland Fairy: kitten 1996
Highland Fairy: sycamore stems and cotton
Highland Fairy: painting
paperpam2000: hand carved pendant
paperpam2000: alien flora
paperpam2000: no skateboarding
paperpam2000: moon song
paperpam2000: swimming the seas of the unknown ocean
Paul Steven Bailey: Three trees
L. Sue Szabo: sushi cloisonne enamel brooches
LUofPA: DSC_0111
LUofPA: DSC_0110
LUofPA: DSC_0109
LUofPA: DSC_0108
LUofPA: DSC_0107
LUofPA: DSC_0102
LUofPA: DSC_0082
LUofPA: DSC_0076