SallyAnn 09: Repairs Underway
Carolyn Hall Young: Jennifer Sharpe September 29, 2014
Carolyn Hall Young: Armineh Hovanesian September 29, 2014 Version 2
farrargirl1: banyan tree with aerial roots embedded, Coral Gables, Florida
farrargirl1: the rainmaker
jean sept: Street Wisdom
Julicious Photography: Nostalgic Memories
aj.vdhorst: "Gentleness doesn't get work done unless you happen to be a hen laying eggs"Coco Chanel
MyNameIsGiacomo: P1160364.jpg
Creative Days: Just chillin'
jean sept: There Is A Widespread Erroneous Belief Abroad That We English Are An Excessively Buttoned Up Nation
jean sept: The Secretive World Of Global Levitation
Creative Days: Waterfall up in the mountains
apagecurley: Frustration
ljholloway photography: Fairy In the Mist
ljholloway photography: Field of Dreams
Tamara Lara: Behold
aj.vdhorst: "Sometimes the crowd is the madness - at others it's the absence of the crowd that is."Will Self
SallyAnn 09: Rivers End
augenbrauns: Shop Therapy
xandram: --Ophelia in autumn--