ccbird1: Burrowing Owls
cotingidae: Baird's Sandpiper
mouser-nerdbot: Rainbow on Pajarito Mountain
ccbird1: Near Echo Amphitheater
ccbird1: Northern Parula
caralan393: Thala Tree b&w
mouser-nerdbot: King Penguins Racing the Ship
cotingidae: Lesser-striped Swallow
cotingidae: Elephants crossing road
ccbird1: Superimposition
ccbird1: In quest of gold.
ccbird1: Green-tailed Towhee
ccbird1: Burrowing Owl
ccbird1: Turkey Vulture and Woodhouse's Scrub-jay
mouser-nerdbot: Tycho's first ocean sunset
mouser-nerdbot: Tycho collecting hermit crabs in the tide pools
mouser-nerdbot: Tide pools at Grandview Beach
Gregs eBirds: Round Valley Reservoir
ccbird1: More Fall Scenes from Northern NM
ccbird1: Lewis's Woodpecker
ccbird1: Rufous Hummingbird
ccbird1: Bushtit
ccbird1: _DSC3431-Edit
SteveMlodinow: Two-Spotted Hedriodiscus - Hedriodiscus binotata - Scotts Bluff County NE - June 2021
mouser-nerdbot: Revelers
SteveMlodinow: Blue-winged Teal - Garden County NE - April 2021
ccbird1: Curve-billed Thrasher
ccbird1: Pygmy Nuthatch
ccbird1: Bushtit
ccbird1: Cooper's Hawk