Tomas Persifal Pekar: Custodian WIP
Tomas Persifal Pekar: Custodian WIP
Lecoqadoodledo: Drycha Hamadreth
banzai1000: Genestealer Patriarch
Tomas Persifal Pekar: Deathwatch Watch Master WIP
Rafael Mattick / acrylomatic: Funko Dancing Groot Repaint
banzai1000: Orruks Ironjawz Megaboss
Lecoqadoodledo: Fire Warriors
banzai1000: Space Marines Imperial Fists Librarian
Tomas Persifal Pekar: Drenn Redblade
Tomas Persifal Pekar: Slaughterpriest
Lecoqadoodledo: Imperial Blood Angel Side
Lecoqadoodledo: Imperial Blood Angel Side 2
wightjester: Thunderhawk port side.
banzai1000: 30th Anniversary Imperial Space Marine
Khul: StormcastEternalcompentry
Lecoqadoodledo: Konrad Kurze
Lecoqadoodledo: Antor Delassio
Lecoqadoodledo: Ennox Sorrlock
Lecoqadoodledo: Rodricus Grytt
Khul: Arkhan the Black
Evelyn Bach: the shapes of swans
lovall2012: Blood Angels Chaplain
Lecoqadoodledo: Escher Gang Leader
Khul: Wight Banner Bearer
Miniature Painting: Dante, Captain Karlaen, Mephiston - Blood Angels
Lecoqadoodledo: XV95 Ghostkeel
Lecoqadoodledo: Stealth Team
Uruk's Customs: Armies on Parade 2015