Sergio '75: Alba Ragogna
SASPhotography67: Moose Monday...
Robert Streithorst: This Bongo is Beat, Taking Five
Kerriemeister: Kite weather...
Unintended_Keith: Long-tailed tit
Robert Streithorst: Field of Dreams
@Thomas Neuber: Männlicher Neuntöter im Flug
rebekkaweigand: Film by Antony Frank
E_Rick1502: Mountain Bluebird
blacky_hs: Summ, summ, summ, ...
Alfred J. Lockwood Photography: Fishing Bates Bridge_27A8496
JEO126: Semipalmated plover
hobby fotos: 05:29:26
Kirk Lougheed: Wotan's Glory
Captions by Nica... (Fieger Photography): And Mother Nature said... Behold.... The beginning of a New Day!
Robert Streithorst: Nothing Like A Close Shave
Unintended_Keith: Little Egret
nitinpatel2: 1S0A1422
Robert Streithorst: The Missionary Formation
Zarpazos en el corazón: Time passes the customs remain - Pasa el tiempo las costumbres permanecen
Tony LePrieur: Hoary Marmots (Adult and Juvenile)
Captions by Nica... (Fieger Photography): There's nothing like a little rain to put a smile on a face :)
Robert Streithorst: The Wooden Throne
evakatharina12: Spring dream
nitinpatel2: 1S0A7625