Henny Marlina: Strawberry
Henny Marlina: Coriander Leaf
Henny Marlina: Cherry Tomatoes
Henny Marlina: Bilimbi/Cucumber Tree/Tree Sorrel A.k.a Belimbing Wuluh
Henny Marlina: Melinjo [Gnetum]
Henny Marlina: Papaya flower buds In Indonesian cuisine, the unripe green fruits and young leaves are boiled for use as part of lalab salad, while the flower buds are sautéed and stir-fried with chillies and green tomatoes.
Henny Marlina: Mulberry a.k.a besaran/arbei
Henny Marlina: Rambutan The name 'rambutan' is derived from the Malay-Indonesian languages word for rambut or "hair", a reference to the numerous hairy protuberances of the fruit.
Henny Marlina: Kaffir Lime (jeruk purut)