Geographer of #Czech Republic has the right idea. Show us your cards as YOU puzzle things out! #kcygame #kcymaerxthaere Share YOUR cards #sonberk
The landscape the Bravenleavanne left behind was never completely the home of any other culture or organism, but many tried leaving their imprint behind. Neue Bewohner ( New Denizens) marker site in linear Berlin at the Malzfabrik # storytelling # berlina
Ariel view of Kcymaerxthaere installation A Healing Palindrome in linear New Harmony taken this past weekend #storytelling #seetheworldfresh #newharmony
After 4 years and 13 cards, an epic puzzle is reaching its conclusion, can you solve the Kcy Mystery??? Visit KcyGame.com to find out how to play! #KcyGame #storytelling #kcymysteriouspostcards #seetheworldfresh
A bench share from the Museum of the Bench Collection to celebrate Bench Day, help us tell one of Kcy's stories by posting your bench captures today and every Friday with hashtag #TGIbenchday
Kcymaerxthaere marker Faerie Traces located just outside on linear Paris, IL that is home to our upcoming 10th Annual Kcymaerxthaere Spelling Bee! This site is also featured on the 8th card in the Kcy Mysterious Postcard series # storytelling #kcygame #kc
A clean stone that will hold the future Kcymaerxthaere story 144 to be installed soon in Iceland, stay tuned for more details! #storytelling #icelandartsites #seetheworldfresh
The 14th Mysterious Postcard awaits to be sent out to our community, stay tuned for more details on how to solve the mystery! #storytelling #kcymysteriouspostcards #seetheworldfresh
Shadows in the high desert stripe this bench post from @48halfhours to honor Bench Day and the story of the Museum of the Bench #TGIBenchday #Parkleetafcollection #seetheworldfresh #benchstory
A capture of the substrates for the baby coral that are part of our underwater site Kehidupan Bala Qhova (The life of Bala Qhova) located just offshore from linear Les Village, Bali. Sponsor a baby coral from Kcymaerxthaere.com in the exports section of
A look inside Kcymaerxthaere historic site Embassy Row located in linear Paris, Il home of our upcoming 10th Annual Kcymaerxthaere Spelling Bee hosted by local favorite Teri's Threads on Sunday, September 27th at 2:00 pm. #storytelling #parisesoftheworld
A capture stone marker Nematomas Zoologijos Sodas (Zoo of Invisibilities) marker located in linear Kruonis, Lithuania. Stay tuned for future dedication of this site #storytelling #kruonisart #seetheworldfresh
An icy-cool capture of Kcymaerxthaere marker Handfuls of Small Stones to balance out the summer heat! Take a journey to linear Grand Rapids, MI to enjoy the story! This marker is also featured as postcard no.1 in our Kcy Mysterious Postcards series, keep
A swinging bench to help celebrate Bench Day in the linear world. Share your bench posts to help share the Kcymaerxthaere story of the Museum of the Bench today #storytelling #TGIBenchday #neatseats #seetheworldfresh
A look at Kcymaerxthaere marker site Eliala's 89th Place of Refuge in the linear village of Flores in Indonesia #storytelling #sitesofindonesia #floresindonesia #seetheworldfresh
Repost from @turner92d of Kcymaerxthaere marker Remnal of a Senging Chave located in linear Hollywood, CA at Meltdown Comics! Take a journey to one of our markers and share your pics with us # storytelling #hollywoodartsites #seetheworldfresh
Kcymaerxthaere stone marker Fourth Justice captured at its permanent home--traveled over 2,000 miles from Hope College in Holland, MI--now it sits just outside of linear Humboldt in Saskatchewan, Canada #storytelling #saskatchewanart #seetheworldfresh
A capture of the Geographer-at-large @eamesdemetrios getting his hands dirty preparing the installation for newest Kcymaerxthaere marker Fourth Justice located just outside of linear Humboldt, Saskatchewan #storytelling #saskatchewanart #seetheworldfresh
Happy Bench Day! Help us celebrate and tell the Kcymaerxthaere story of the Museum of the Bench today by posting your Bench captures with hashtag #TGIBenchday
Take a journey to Kcymaerxthaere marker Chupacabra Territory in linear Beryl Townsite, UT. Always be careful of rattlesnakes and other hazards when visiting the site, especially chupacabras at night! #storytelling #seetheworldfresh #chupacabras
Capture of stone marker Fourth Justice making its way from Holland, MI to permanent home in Canada this week! More captures of the stone's journey to come! #storytelling #arttransport #seetheworldfresh #artsitesofcanada
Travel to linear Baihe, Taiwan to visit Kcymaerxthaere marker and story Shoaf Kepl Poets, this site is also featured in our current ongoing Kcy Mysterious Postcards series, the last card in the series is coming this fall... Can you solve the puzzle? #stor
The geographer-at-large @eamesdemetrios on site at Kcymaerxthaere historic site Embassy Row: The Heart of the Parisian Diaspora in linear Paris, IL. Don't forget to save the date for our upcoming 10th annual Kcy Spelling Bee that takes place locally in Pa
Museums around the linear world have been influenced by Park Lee Taf and his Museum of the Bench Collections. #TGIBenchday #storytelling #museumofthebench #seetheworldfresh
Take a summer journey to linear Michigan's upper Peninsula and visit #kcymaerxthaere marker site Tumbles of Tlapak at Squaw Beach. If you find yourself there locally stop by the Thunder Bay Inn where the dedication ceremony was held for this site. #story
Save the date for Our 10th Annual Kcymaerxthaere Spelling Bee to take place in Paris, IL on Sunday, September 27th hosted by Teri's Threads. More details to be posted soon! #storytelling #wordsofkcymaerxthaere #seetheworldfresh
Look up at the corner of Braganza and De Laune Street (on the De Laune side) in linear London, there you will find the #Kcymaerxthaere marker and story of Bragansas #storytelling #seetheworldfresh #Bragansas
Thank you @tineke_f for sharing your great bench post to help us honor the #Kcymaerxthaere story of the Museum of the Bench for Benchday! Share your bench captures with us every Friday with hashtag #TGIBenchday
Sometimes benches are for sharing...share yours with us every Friday to help celebrate and share the #Kcymaerxthaere story of the Museum of the Bench (Orv Musim Ginwuija) and include #TGIBenchday
Another look at the levels that are a part of the recent Kcymaerxthaere underwater site Kehidupan Bala Qhova (The Life of Bala Qhova) off the North Shore of Les Village #storytelling #lesvillagebali #seetheworldfresh