gabudjr: ‪We have some great #science #book recommendations for you to check out! Besides our own book, of course, we love these #STEM stories and activities, and we think you will, too!!💫 ‬
gabudjr: There’s never been a better time to take music #lessons! I mean, what else are you going to do with all this found time? And why not take them with a music master like James Abud? Now’s the time. Get online and #learn some #music! 🎶 🎼
gabudjr: Join us for church ⛪️ online today at at 9:30am or 11am! #C3together
gabudjr: Tune in this Friday for a live reading of our book by the Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association on Facebook! Thanks to the kind folks at @tepsatalk for hosting nightly book readings for kids during school closures! 💫
gabudjr: Keep in mind that these days children are experiencing traumatic times. They’re seeing their parents worried and consumed with the news, school has been cancelled from right out beneath them indefinitely, some can’t leave their houses. and everything has
gabudjr: A different kind of worship this morning at the Abud home, viewing @yourc3 church service online with Janice and Laina, but we are all still one body in Christ regardless of where we are. ❤️ It’s kind of like how the early Christians gathered in hom
gabudjr: Gearing up to speak to kids at the science fair this evening!💫
gabudjr: ‪Had a great presentation yesterday with Janice to families at the ‘College Is Coming’ Conference. We shared 10 practices successful college students use to manage their newfound freedom. If you missed the presentation, you can get our slide deck at:
gabudjr: Enjoyed giving the keynote at the @lionsclubs of Michigan state forum conference this past weekend. Over 250 Lions got to reconnect with what brought them to service work in the first place. It was an inspiring group to be around!
gabudjr: ‪Today I had a #LoveTeaching moment getting to present the #science of light and color vision to a class of pre-service science teachers at @oaklandu and share woth them the work of @EversightVision and the @SciWithScarlett project! ‬
gabudjr: ‼️Just finished a terrific #book: ‘Untether’ by @jt_mestdagh. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ It checks out—I was so #inspired by reading it! What an incredible story! He’s been through a lot (and I won’t give anything away) but it was really
gabudjr: Looking forward to presenting and speaking to all these groups in the near future! I love sharing @sciwithscarlett and my own story with others.📚 We still have openings for #MarchIsReadingMonth if you’d like to book a school presentation—just reach
gabudjr: 🎂 Happy birthday to our talented illustrator @liz_crafty of @lizcraftillustrations!!!💫
gabudjr: Wow! So...turns out my #interview with @metroparentmag made the cover of this month’s issue! We talked about the evolution of learning and how to adapt our #education practices to match the current #GenZ students. You can read the full article online on t
gabudjr: ‪I recently finished a terrific memoir by 2014 Kansas Teacher of the Year Jeff Baxter, and I highly recommend that you check it out! I trust you’ll find it remarkable, inspiring, and introspective. 📚‬
gabudjr: Looking forward to learning #apologetics from @rzimhq this weekend at @woodsidetroy!
gabudjr: Cycling 🚴‍♀️ helps me be at my best. And while I love my road bike in the summer, I can’t ride it year round. So, at the end of last year, I got back into taking #Spinning classes again, after a six year hiatus. It’s how I start my day twice a w
gabudjr: Honored to be #keynote speaker the @lionsclubs of Michigan #conference in February! I will be sharing my #story of vision, a little about our book and the mission it has to support @eversightvision, and giving a #leadership message for 2020! 💫
gabudjr: Recently discovered the incredible @circleroundpodcast and have been enjoying listening with my #kindergarten daughter Laina. 👍 We LOVE the show!! 💟 She drew this picture to share her “enchanted paintbrush” idea—a garden! :heart
gabudjr: ✅ It’s the year of #vision—#happynewyear2020, everyone! We are looking forward to sharing @sciwithscarlett & more #science with children this year through our book series and presentations! 💫 ❓What are you looking forward t
gabudjr: Our #adoption puzzle is almost finished thanks to so many of you!! If YOU want to participate in building this puzzle with us to help us become a forever family for a child through adoption, you still can! Here’s how this fundraiser works: For each puzzle
gabudjr: I heard the producer of Charlie Brown passed away this week. Hats off to Lee Mendelson for a career that introduced and re-introduces so many people to the Peanuts gang. Coincidentally, I finally got to “meet” Charlie just a few weeks ago, he is one of my
gabudjr: ‪Merry #Christmas, friends! ‬
gabudjr: Looking forward to visiting Maples Elementary School today to share the science of color vision and 📚 literature with students! It’s going to be so much fun!! 💫
gabudjr: Looking forward to speaking to schools and sharing @sciwithscarlett this week and next!! We can’t wait to share the science of color vision and our book 📖 with students and teachers in Anchor Bay, Warren and Dearborn schools coming up this next week
gabudjr: It’s #December, and I have some exciting family news I’d like to share—we are adopting a #baby!! We are very #grateful for the family that God has given us, yet our journey to becoming parents hasn't been an easy one. Through fertility treatment, we were
gabudjr: RePosted @withrepost • Via @readingladykaty: Shop small this Saturday! Check out these recent releases from your local #Michigan picture book authors and illustrators. They are all delightful! More info on my site #linkinbio. . . #readingladykaty #shopsma
gabudjr: RePosted @withrepost • Via @techninjatodd: Did you miss my #TellYourStory with @gabudjr? It was a great conversation about his journey through almost losing his sight and writing his first children’s book! Listen on Apple Podcast and Spotify now! #kidsdes
gabudjr: Enjoyed reading my children’s #science book @sciwithscarlett to #kindergarten students yesterday! 📚
gabudjr: ‪I would love to bring @SciWithScarlett 📚to you or your school—contact me today via email or direct message to set something up!! 💫We are booking into 2020 already and will make sure to get you a spot! 👍‬