Melissa Terry: The Gaslight Anthem - Brian Fallon
PSHiggins: Night shot
Junkgirl™: Drenched in oil
*~MacBern~* aka Argyll Images: The Rupture Dogs @ BSL #2
visitPA: 3 Baby Squirrels - Kennerdell
PandaRevolution: Day 1: 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall
possessed2fisheye: 116/365 - Face Down Tuesday #42
topherous: farmface
possessed2fisheye: Face Down Tuesday #5
possessed2fisheye: face down tuesday #1
davydubbit: Amsterdam
squiddity of toronto: Bennink drums cheese
Z0L1TA: Flip
atif peshimam: The London Eye
fillyc: Duke of York.. I like the tones
fensterbme: Stacked
Derrick Argent Photography: ELECTRIC EEL SHOCK
Crazy Ivory: sick fearless bastard
Ben Heine: Eyes
Mr Hyde: Pug in a Hoody
Sugar Cube: Pigmy's bath time
fairyrainbow08 - Giada -: I like play bluegrass...more the grass than blue! :o)
Fischkopf: Knut der Eisbär
*Curt*: Red Panda (34,000+ Views)
pyza*: "Manicure, please!" ~ Balbinka
BetweenLoveandLike: Brian Fallon (Gaslight Anthem) & David Hause (Loved Ones) @ Black Cat, Washington, DC (1-16-10)-3727
frost_ie: Blink 182