libralmv: A March sunset at our house
libralmv: Sunset from our back window
libralmv: Driving back from Castle Dale
libralmv: Driving back from Castle Dale
libralmv: Central Utah landscape
libralmv: Lynn, Brandon, Mark & Virginia at Brandon's restaurant!
libralmv: On the way to Castle Dale
libralmv: Utah landscape
libralmv: Mommy & Canis taking a nap
libralmv: The Barragan's visit!
libralmv: Look out Poncho Sanchez!
libralmv: Sophie & Haily in the jacuzzi!
libralmv: Except when they lick!
libralmv: Its fun to give them hugs!
libralmv: See Sophie, dogs aren't that bad!
libralmv: Bryan, Sophie & Evelyn in Cedar City
libralmv: Lynn, Byan and Canis on the Creek walk
libralmv: Sophie offroading
libralmv: Lynn & Haliy
libralmv: Arts & Crafts time in Cedar City
libralmv: Mommy is the pack leader!
libralmv: Snow in late March??
libralmv: Snow in March!
libralmv: Snow and sunset in March
libralmv: Soloist flowers!
libralmv: Post-Concerto with Maestro Scott
libralmv: Bacjstage before the concerto performance
libralmv: Soiree concert in Helena, MT
libralmv: Cathedral in Helena, MT
libralmv: Lynn & Canis