roybm1800: Great spotted woodpecker
roybm1800: 2016-03-16_09-44-14
roybm1800: IMG_3379
joanne.magennis: warning: Tortoise on charge.. turtle power!
joanne.magennis: 20140821_200859
roybm1800: IMG_1570.JPGtake off
roybm1800: IMG_1549
roybm1800: $$$$$$
roybm1800: IMG_2450
roybm1800: IMG_2439
JoePineapplesSharpShooter: Suicide attempt?
roybm1800: Coastal cottage
annfleet: P1060076Hop & Vine1
joanne.magennis: DSCF1938
David Relph: Under The Stars At Young Ralph's Cross
annfleet: P1060093Three trees alley
joanne.magennis: Spooky cookie
roybm1800: IMG_1919
roybm1800: boat
annfleet: P1040158Bad hair day
annfleet: P1040182Huckworthy Bridge
annfleet: P1040295Damselfly
annfleet: P1040417Orangetip2
roybm1800: the shed
roybm1800: sun rise
roybm1800: DSC_0159