vertblu: Stems
vertblu: Underwater
vertblu: Stars and stripes
vertblu: Straight&Crooked
vertblu: Straight&Squiggled
vertblu: Winter sunlight
vertblu: Vibrant activity
vertblu: Blooming rushes
vertblu: The new green emerges very slowly
vertblu: 1, 2, 3, 4
vertblu: The wind has told me ...
vertblu: Quite a number of lines
vertblu: Perplexity
vertblu: In rank and file
vertblu: cropped
vertblu: spring fern
vertblu: this and that
vertblu: culms and layers
vertblu: mint
vertblu: in between
vertblu: crossed through
vertblu: Drei sind einer zu viel | Two's company, three's a crowd.
vertblu: absent for a while
vertblu: strokes
vertblu: summer in the herb garden
vertblu: Water is another Matter
vertblu: curlicue
vertblu: lacy
vertblu: watching out for spring
vertblu: another breeze