Taiwan Presidential Office: 06.26 總統接見建中樂旗隊赴美國WAMSB世界盃行進樂隊大賽同學暨授旗儀式
cte_: Skeleton
nobihaya: #dysonV10 on Japanese sword stand. Dyson Cyclone V10発表会。「もうコード付き掃除機はいらない」宣言をしたv10は日本刀の台座に載って展示されていました。実は横から見た姿が一番美しく、それを見せたいというガイドラインがあったところ、それを受けた日本チームがこの展示方法を思いついたそうです。家電大国日本に斬り込んだサイクロン、床の間に飾るようにこの台座もセットで販売してほしい ;-)
Book Catalog: facebook
Alex Osterwalder: Business Model Prototyping and Customer Development
Thomas Hawk: Lights Out, San Francisco
Fortune Live Media: Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. and interviewer Carol Loomis of Fortune
Fortune Live Media: Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. and interviewer Carol Loomis of Fortune
rjasmin: Fulseck
henry jager: Lion Baby with Mother
mini_malist (Summer in the City): public_relations_140
Thomas Hawk: The Things That We Have Shared
Thomas Hawk: Big Burger Nights
amlamster: warby parker holiday bazaar
Gage Skidmore: Michelle Phan
Mara ~earth light~: Lotos Buddha
Thomas Hawk: The Interview
xeno_sapien: SS Endeavour
Free Public Domain Illustrations by rawpixel: Boeing's X-48B Blended Wing Body technology demonstrator shows off its unique lines at sunset on Rogers Dry Lake adjacent to NASA DFRC. 2006-10-24. Original from NASA . Digitally enhanced by rawpixel.
Thomas Hawk: Segway Journalism
dougbelshaw: Wednesday Wisdom #33: Uncertainty
GôDiNô: Les illusions de l'Eté_The Illusions of Summer
Deoridhe Grimsdottir Quandry: Inappropriate Dress