Parker-356: Southern Decadence. They are having fun !!! #Southern_Decadence #Parade #New Orleans 06/09/2015
Parker-356: There are people saying that the sunset from Santorini is the best sunset you could see in earth, and after the sunset people would applause for it. Luckily, they are right. #Santorini #Oia #Sunset 14/07/2015
Parker-356: Family. #Greece #Santorini #Family 14/07/2015
Parker-356: Flying Ferry. #Santorini #Greece #Aegean 14/07/2015
Parker-356: Meeting. #Aegean #Greece #Santorini 14/07/201
Parker-356: The Moment #Aegean #Santorini #Greece 14/07/2015
Parker-356: White Housesss. #Santorini #Greece #White
Parker-356: The most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. Kitty under the bench. #Greece #Santorini #Unique 14/07/2015
Parker-356: Zeus with Athena. #Zeus #Athena #Athens 12/07/2015
Parker-356: Ancient Acropolis with Modern Travelers. #Acropolis #Athens #Greece 12/07/2015
Parker-356: Finally went to the World second best restaurant ----- Osteria Francescana. It has been a pleasant experience. And we saw Chef Massimo Bottura who has been The signature of Italian Food. #Modena #Osteria_Francescana #Fillet 03/07/2015
Parker-356: After the sweet sunlight from Norway and Italy. Finally, I turn to a combination of lobster and puppy. #Burano #Italy #Puppy 30/06/2015
Parker-356: Burano --- one of the most colorful island in the world. The reason for the vivid color is helping fishermen to find their houses in foggy day. #Italy #Burano #Vivid 30/06/2015
Parker-356: After Noon. #Zurich #Swiss #Watching 25/06/2015
Parker-356: The first day of my trip XD #Road_Trip #Utah #Arizona 19/05/2015
Parker-356: 要解决这个难题,冲破这个瓶颈。 #Bold #Bald #Buddy (与室友猜拳输了去拿外卖……)
Parker-356: 最近的新爱好……… Final Dessert #Michelin #Molecular #Contemporary 07/05/2015
Parker-356: <Shaking> #Tijuca #Rainforest #Dead_quiet 19/03/2015
Parker-356: <Love from Jesus> #Blessing #Corcovado #Foggy 19/03/2015
Parker-356: 《深渊》 You know this is not cool. #Copacabana #Rio #Desperate Photographed in 18/03/2015 Desperate in 20/03/2015
Parker-356: 今天的最后一张,刷屏抱歉… 右上方是里约的耶稣像,怀抱里约城; 巴西贪污腐败十分严重,甚至毒贩给警察薪水,保证他们安全;人们生活在水深火热之中,也就是这照片的意义吧 #Rio #Pão_de_Açúcar #Corcovado 15/03/2015
Parker-356: 当时看到就被吓到了,看门的是一个卖糖果的老奶奶,雕塑全是由废铁造成… 觉得巴西人十分厉害,然后觉得要是自己在巴西,一定非常平庸 #Iron #Rio #Life 15/03/2015
Parker-356: Art Area ----- Santa Teresa 太喜欢这地方,尽管连续三次被提醒,收起你的相机,说这个地方抢劫非常多,到后来天黑,我吓得赶紧跑下山去…… (带着帽子有人说我是亚裔的巴西人…) #卖鞋哟 #来客人了哟 #您抽烟抽烟不 15/03/2015
Parker-356: The slum in Rio. The largest one --- Rocinha 里约热内卢的贫民窟。据说贫民窟长大的孩子,反而希望长大可以当毒贩; 最起码毒贩有时候会帮助穷人,杀戮是警察唯一可以带来的事物 #Rio #Rocinha #Slum 15/03/2015
Parker-356: Bridge. Flight. Brasil #Brasil #Air #Port 14/03/2015
Parker-356: 在里约的第一天,没有太特别目前 The first day in Rio, honestly, nothing too exciting. #Rio #Brazil #Beach
Parker-356: 今天真是撑起我们小团队的一片天,我一个人开了至少100个生蚝… 真的手都断了… 最终荣获生蚝小能手称号,居家必备! #Oyster #Friends #Diaosi 07/03/2015
Parker-356: 熊熊烈火之烤生蚝趴! Grilled Oysters with bear bear fire XD #Grilled #Oyster #Picnic 07/03/2015
Parker-356: 人生中开的第一个生蚝! The first oyster which is opened by myself. #Tomales #Oyster #Group 07/03/2015
Parker-356: 早上洗完澡躺在床上晒太阳…… Enjoy the sunlight from my bedroom lol #Shower #Lazy #Sunlight 03/03/2015