madcapster: Welcoming doors #london
madcapster: Seriously? On a shoe? And all that about character? #london #londonunderground
madcapster: One of the best museums in the world. #london
madcapster: I've never seen a more bored bird in my life. It's like he got up, stood on one leg, and gave a jaundiced look at the water and said, whatever! #london
madcapster: Slanting sun rays bathing the velvety grass in the morning sunshine. #london
madcapster: Good morning Clive old chap.
madcapster: So the door handle of the dryer broke. Not an issue. Took out the broken handle and ordered a new one. And then noticed that other Amazon members frequently buy a set of extra long offset torx key set. Which is also fine. What is puzzling is why people wi
madcapster: Woods in the middle of #london
madcapster: Beautiful pink flowers.
madcapster: Good morning #london
madcapster: Beautiful
madcapster: Glorious day today
madcapster: Sometimes you just want to sit on the bench and watch the river flow quietly at the bottom of the little meadow.
madcapster: Who wants to walk down the garden path with me? :) #london
madcapster: Mirrored surfaces #oxford
madcapster: Daddy taxi service early in the morning to go pick up eldest cost centre from the airport
madcapster: Working late #london
madcapster: Lined up.
madcapster: Rebellion
madcapster: Latest addition to the living room. Loads of philosophical discussions on whether the dark side is based upon the position of the switch or the action of the light. Reminds me of the old ditty, my head on the guillotine and the blade comes down, my head g
madcapster: Promises to be a gorgeous day! #london
madcapster: Words to live by
madcapster: A foggy morning over the park #london
madcapster: Mangalorean Prawn Ghee Roast. Thank you Vikram for introducing this dish to me :) it doesn't taste quite the same because the spices and roasting and and and. Still great with some roti
madcapster: Wow. Nice colour of your rubbish bin mate. #londonunderground
madcapster: The train back down to london stopped for some time because of a little fault. Why do Manchester trains smell of pee?
madcapster: Fascinating floor naming. Don't get it all. Very confusing.
madcapster: Interesting name
madcapster: Now there's a lovely little library to sit and discuss and chew the fat. #manchester #libraries
madcapster: The view from the classroom where I was lecturing. Lovely lovely bricks. This is the temporary building. I landed up there first and saw a bloody construction site. #manchester