jschumacher: Bowlaway
jschumacher: The Big Chair
RoadsideArchitecture.com: Par-King Skill Golf
MrPExplores: Sidaway Bridge (Cleveland, OH)
jschumacher: Equal in dust
jschumacher: Pardon My Sanity
Seth Gaines: Ute Mankato, KS2
jschumacher: Big Eyes
Dean Jeffrey: Cave Land Motel, Cave Land, KY
Dania Hurley: The Old Basket
Seth Gaines: Deco Beloit, KS.2
RoadsideArchitecture.com: topiary Lincoln
MRSY: 最後に追加した項目-12
Dean Jeffrey: Sea Serpent aka The Dragon, Fannie Mae Dees Park, Nashville, TN
Vinny Gragg: Giant Roller Skate
Vinny Gragg: World's Largest Watermelon Slice
George Neat Road Trip Photography: Meadville Road Sign Sculpture
RoadsideArchitecture.com: Haunted Trails Miniature Golf
MRSY: The Blooming (ザ・ブルーミング)
MrPExplores: Monongahela National Bank (Brownsville, PA)
jschumacher: Bloom's Ghosts
btreat: 1969 60"x36" 7Up UnCola "Butterfly & Bottle" vintage poster by Pat Dypold (FOR SALE) Woodstock #7Upvintage
RoadsideArchitecture.com: Kraft Macaroni
RoadsideArchitecture.com: Fire-breathing Dragon
Dean Jeffrey: Food Mart, Millington, TN
find myself a city / 1001 Afternoons: The Bear Champ (J.C. Rivera)