sbuckinghamnj: Blue Metalmark female
sbuckinghamnj: Blue Metalmark
sbuckinghamnj: Gray Cracker
sbuckinghamnj: Black Witch (Ascalapha odorata) - with a wingspan up to 7" it is the largest moth in the US. With flash you see its brilliant colors, but at dusk or even in daylight it appears very dark and flutters around looking like a bat.
sbuckinghamnj: Band-celled Sister - according to the Swift Guide to Butterflies of N America, "a close relative - Twisted Sister - also has a band"
sbuckinghamnj: Band-celled Sister - according to the Swift Guide to Butterflies of N America, "a close relative - Twisted Sister - also has a band"
sbuckinghamnj: Mexican Bluewing
lfalterbauer: 2I1A8015-Edit1
justinllee: Red Corn Snake (Pantherophis guttatus)
justinllee: Eastern Milksnake (Lampropeltis triangulum)
tfells: L0A4966-Prairie Warbler
breitschbirding: Horned Grebe - Parker, CO - 23 April 2022 (14)
breitschbirding: Blue Jay - 1st Creek @ GVR, CO - 6 May 2022 (15)
breitschbirding: Blue Jay - 1st Creek @ GVR, CO - 6 May 2022 (5)
breitschbirding: Lazuli Bunting - 1st Creek @ GVR, CO - 6 May 2022 (2)
Chuck Hantis: Redheaded Duck
sbuckinghamnj: Cape May Warbler
sbuckinghamnj: Black-backed Woodpecker female
sbuckinghamnj: American Three-toed Woodpecker female
BSendelbach: Troublemaker (male second year cub)
BSendelbach: Troublemaker
BSendelbach: Compton Tortoiseshell
BSendelbach: Compton Tortoiseshell
lfalterbauer: 2I1A0848a
lfalterbauer: 2I1A4771z
lfalterbauer: 2I1A9077-Edit2a
Chuck Hantis: Short-eared Owl
Chuck Hantis: Wilson's Phalarope
Chuck Hantis: Pacific Golden-Plover`
Chuck Hantis: Wild Turkey